This last week has been killer and I don't mean that as-in awesome.
Sleeping has become an absolute chore. I'm not sure what or why but for the life of me - I just can't sleep.
No, it's not the baby. (Yes, I do get up to pee every 30 minutes but in between I just lie awake and toss and turn.) No, I'm not stressed. No, my mind isn't on overload. No, I'm not loaded up on caffeine - I don't even drink it.
But, it's enough to drive me crazy. Especially, when during the day while I am expected to function, I am being literally slapped in the face with this sudden urge to nap - which I am unable to do. Ohhhh, someone kill me.
If this is some crazy symptom of pregnancy, it's a new one to me and one that sucks a fat one. Geez, I hope that it's short-lived.
[Okay, VENT is over.]
I'm going through the same thing! I had it last time though too...I was more sleep deprived while I was pregnant than when I had a newborn. Sorry friend :(