Another thing he loves about riding in the car is the front seat. I swear he thinks he's human and he usually just sits there staring out the window content as can be. But, when Kaylee is with us they like to 'fight' over who gets it. She usually wins this battle by tricking him. He gets in first and takes his spot in the passenger seat. She then opens the back door and calls him. He gets excited, jumps in the back, and she quickly jumps in the front. Usually, it works like a charm and normally he just shoots her a look like 'Gaww, she got me... again.'
However, the last few mornings he has refused to settle for the backseat and instead they ride to school looking like this:
Kaylee gets to complain the entire time trying to get him off of her, but he just sits there. Happy as a clam, like nothing is wrong in the world.
It's a good laugh... everytime.
Bentlee looks like he weighs more than Kaylee. She should be sitting on him!