Any of us that are parents have had this happen at least once - most likely more than that.
Whether it be a friend, a family member, or a stranger in line at the grocery store.
People always have their own oppinions of how we should raise or diciplne our own children.
Now, let me say this: I have no problem with suggestions or advice from a source that means well by it, but my absolute biggest complaint is when someone approaches me with a bad attitude about what I should be doing differently.
It hasn't happened to me often, but I remember when Kaylee was a toddler.
She absolutely hated the stroller and the shopping cart, but anytime I let her down - she'd RUN.
After a few times of chasing her through the mall I thought - screw this!
The next time I was at Wal-Mart, I purchased a harness for her and I will never forget the first time I used it.
We were at the mall and this middle-aged woman kept looking our way. She finally got up the nerve to approach me and said: "Um, you are treating your daughter like she is an animal keeping her on a leash like that. I don't have children but that is just wrong." [KEY WORDS in this sentence: Don't have children.]
I replied: "Well, it beats her getting abducted or hit by a car in my oppinion" and smiled. (While cursing her out in my mind of course.)
She just scoffed and walked off.
I find it funny how people can judge us on how we bring up our kids when they don't even have kids of their own.
Parenthood is one of those things that you have no clue about until you are slapped in the face with it.
There is absolutely no way to prepare yourself for it. I have learned this [and am continually reminded of it] as my kids grow and change.
Before I became a Mom I thought that I had it all figured out in my mind. um...WRONG.
After reading THIS? I couldn't help but laugh.
That was so me back then.
It's funny how time and kids can really change our outlook on life.
Wow! You sound just like Sarah. She also came to the same revelation in line at Winco, I think. Nothing like a screaming toddler to awake the senses and those so called well meaning folks with their opinions.