Wednesday, December 8, 2010

TImes have changed.

I realized the other day - just how much this is true.

I had to pick up the kids early from school for an appointment.
I did the normal, signing the check out form at the front office, and telling the secretary what rooms they were in.
This time however? They asked me to state my full name, what my relationship to them was, and then I was asked to show my ID.
I actually had to take it out of my wallet, and I watched as she looked it over thoroughly, and compared it to the intormation on her computer screen.

I must admit. I was a little surprised.
I thought to myself: this lady has only seen me a hundred times... she knows who I am.

As I waited in the lobby for them, I couldn't help but ponder it - and suddenly, a huge sense of relief actually came over me.

On one hand - yes, it can seem a little ridiculous for me to have to go through that procedure everytime I eat lunch with them, or pick them up early.
But, on the other? This 'annoying little procedure' also keeps my children safe.
This means that some stranger can't just come in there and leave with them.
And, In today's society? This actually happens wayyyyy to often.

So, even though it saddens me that the world has gotten bad enough for our schools to have to do such drastic things, it also comforts me to know that they are doing all that they can to protect our kids.

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