Wednesday, February 17, 2010

3 weeks on diet soda... and I'm still alive?

Anyone who knows "Heather" knows she HATES diet.
A few weeks ago. I told Lee.
"I'm done."
Switched to diet the next day.
(STRUGGLED for about a week.)
But, now? I'm 3 lbs lighter, and PROUD of myself.
I must say that I still don't like it as much as I wish I did, but actually find THAT to be a good thing.
I barely drink soda now, and my water in-take has increased.
It's a good thing. All around.
So, yeah...
Who would have actually thought I could do it STICK with it?
Um... NOT me.
I guess this calls for a "pat on the back."


  1. Way to go is your "pat", on the back that is...:-)

  2. Good job Heather, all a plus, and now you can have a soda with the mom & pop Frakes gang!
