Friday, December 25, 2009

My tired body is telling me... I have a newborn.

Well, our 1st night with Bentlee was an interesting one.
He was up every 20-30 minutes and would NOT go potty outside.
He'd just whine & shiver by the back door.
Then, about 2 mintues after I had him in?
Yep. You guessed it.
He'd pee or crap somewhere on the living room floor.
He wanted nothing to do with sleeping with me.
He seemed content in his bed, so I'd put him there.
I'd fall asleep for about 15 minutes, only to wake to find him NOT in his bed anymore.
At about 6AM he was wide-awake and ready to play.
He was barking, and bouncing off the walls.
I must admit I DID find myself asking myself at one point:
"Okay. what in the hell were we thinking?"
But, I have no regrets.
I am so in love with this adorable furry-little-ball-of-energy,
that I know that it will all be well worth it in the end.
I know, that just like any "baby."
It takes time for them to adjust, as well as us.
So, off I go... to take a NAP, before my parents arrive
for pizza & presents.
Merry CHRISTmas!


  1. Then no nap happened because the in-laws-called and said "Can we come over for a little bit?" Sorry Heather. Love Mom

  2. LOL! Oh, Please!! Don't be sorry. We love having you guys over, and it's never an inconvenience. Thanks so much for all you do for us. We are so lucky to have you guys. :]
