-- I can no longer see my feet when I look down. This means that clipping or painting my toenails, putting on socks, tying my shoes, or picking things up off of the floor are not easy tasks.
-- I also have started to 'waddle' and even though everyone around me says its adorable, I just feel like an uncomfortable and awkward looking duck. I can't seem to stand up straight anymore though and in order to relieve the pressure off of my back, I have no choice but to walk around looking like that.
-- Ava has the hiccups all. the. time. She has them at least 10 times a day and 2 or 3 of those times usually come in the middle of the night. I actually love it though and it makes me smile every time.
-- I found out at my appointment yesterday that she has
finally turned to the head down position. HALLELUJAH! I was super worried about this because Kaylee and Layton both turned early on and I had this huge fear that I would have to have a c-section. The midwives had even started discussing with me that they wanted to try and turn her from the outside if nothing changed by 35 weeks. That had me just as freaked out because from what I researched - the pain is unbearable. So, I am more than happy with the news that our stubborn little stinker decided to cut me some slack.
-- Work has been pretty busy for us and I have noticed that I am slowing down just a little. I find myself hurting a lot more the bigger I get. Cleaning is so much more labor intensive than I had first thought it would be. It could be the fact that
I am 8 months along and I am sure that after she is out, it won't be nearly as hard as it seems right now but, I have decided, because of this that my last day will be April 20th. That will give me a little over 3 weeks before her due date to get everything ready for her.
-- Our add-on is coming along nicely.
Beyond nicely actually. Lee told me tonight that Becca and I should have a nursery to paint the week after next, and we move Kaylee into her new room tomorrow. It would be an understatement to say that I am totally ecstatic about it!
-- Still dealing with insomnia - no fun, and last night I even counted the amount of times that I got up to pee (just for the hell of it) in a 6 hour period: seventeen. I guess this little one thinks that right
on top of my bladder is a super comfy place to hang.
-- I have also been experiencing a new 3rd trimester symptom: shortness of breath. Umm, this is not one that I have dealt with before and holy crap, it is not a fun one either. Just changing positions in bed at night sometimes leaves me gasping for air.
-- I have noticed that she loves to hang out on my right side (just like Kay did) and her most active time to move around is between 9 and 11 at night. Unfortunately though, she is getting pretty cramped in there so most of her jabs are starting to hurt now. That part? Not so awesome.
-- One of my favorite things to do lately is watch my tummy jiggle from the outside with the kids. They get a total kick out of it and I feel this really cool connection during those moments with all
three of my kiddos.