The last month or so has been a doozy. I feel like I have turned into a constant complainer.
Sometimes I wonder if all of the people around me just wish I would just shut up already.
Morning sickness has been kicking my ass. Plain & simple.
Because of this everything that needs to be done around me has been pushed to the back burner.
The house has been totalled, laundry goes un-touched for days, I haven't cooked a full meal for the family in FOREVER, and just driving to and from school to deliver and retrieve the kids can be a daunting task.
I manage to get grocery shopping done, and I haven't missed a practice of Layton's or a football game to date (which makes me feel pretty good) Most days I wish I could just curl up and die.
I have been noticing a few "breaks" in the day as of lately, moments where I actually stop for a sec and think to myself 'hey, I kinda feel okay right now' - so I am hoping that this is a sign for the upcoming weeks. I seriously hope that there is some light at the end of this tunnel.
I almost feel that by bitching so often that I may actually jinx myself into something bad happening (dumb I know) but, it has crossed my mind.
I keep teling Lee that if these first couple months are any indication on what this little being growing inside me is gonna be like when it gets here... we just may be in for it.
-- I also noticed on Wednesday after putting on a pair of jeans (the first pair in weeks - since I LIVE in sweats now) that they were not wanting to button [I got them, but it was a challenge - next week, I probably won't be so lucky.] I joked around about it, like seriously... already? But, I must admit - I am a little excited about that. The fact that they won't button means that this little baby is growing... and how can I really complain about that?