Sunday, January 30, 2011

The bottomless pit.

For the last 2 weeks I haven't been able to keep this kid full.
He is ALWAYS saying he is hungry.
He can eat a huge dinner and 30 minutes later?
"Mom, I'm starving."

He is constantly eating.

Tonight I even got him a DOUBLE cheeseburger (after he already had dinner) on the way home from Becca's and about 10 minutes after eating it - he was asking if we had any leftover homemade mac & cheese from the other night.
He then ate a bowl of that.

Yep. I think it is safe to say that someone is growing.

Saturday, January 29, 2011

The love-hate relationship.

Sydney is here for the weekend with Stacie.
It's her first time sleeping over at our house and her first 'real' encounter with the dog.

Syd is known to really like animals. but Bentlee is one of those dogs 'only an owner can love.'
He's extremely hyper, always wants to play, still struggles with the word no, and usually will bug the crap out of you until you give him the attention that he is asking for.

They started testing one another right away.
We will tell Bentlee often to 'get on his bed' and Sydney quickly caught on to this.
Everytime he would come near her she will say "BED!!" and point in that direction.

The more the day wore on the more used to one another they got.
But, as always Bentlee just can't catch a drift.
He wanted to play with her every single second.
I'm guessing it may have something to do with the fact that they are the same height?
He just loves her.

Sydney on the other hand?
She could handle him in small doses.

I can't say I really blame her, he can be a bit overwhelming.

I enjoyed seeing her little personality really come out as she interacted with him... her annoyance and her excitement.
Quite entertaining.

After observing these two for awhile - one thing is for sure:

This dog has met his match.

Tuesday, January 25, 2011

The perfectionist.

Kaylee has been working on a 'mock commercial' assignment for school for the past week.
She had to come up with her own product, think of a way to advertise it, write an essay, and prepare a speech.
The girl has been working her rear off.

Kaylee has been blessed with her Dad's talent when it comes to speaking in front of an audience.
She doesn't get nervous, and she can usually just fly off the seat of her pants and nail it everytime.
It kind of disgusts me considering that I am the total opposite.
I have never been one who likes to give speeches. In fact, a few times in high school? I just took an 'F' for my grade if it meant that I would get out of talking in front of people.

I am actually relieved that she is more like Lee in this department.
Makes me proud.

Tomorrow is the day of her presentation and she has been spending the entire evening practicing it - to her Dad before he left for work, to me, to Layton, to the mirror, even the dog.
After having it perfectly down, she ran out of her room in a panic. She forgot to list the price.
We finally found a spot to 'fit it in' but then she started getting stuck everytime she got to that part.

She tried practicing it back to me and suddenly she was filled with frustration.
This conversation followed:
Her: 'Okay mom, can we just take a break? I am getting super frustrated and reallyyyyy nancy.'
Me: 'Um.... nancy?'
Her: 'YES. Sooo nancy!'
Me: (After giving her a dumb-founded look) 'what do you mean?'
Her: 'You know... jittery, nervous...'
Me: 'Kaylee, did you mean antsy?'

She then put her head in her hands and started laughing hysterically.
This girl of mine. I just LOVE her.

We took a break and after 2 more tries - she's got it down.

I know she will do great tomorrow.
She's a natural.

Monday, January 24, 2011

Music that speaks.

My taste in music varies.
I like all kinds - as of lately, even hard core rock-and-roll thanks to the main man in my life.
(I still find this TOTALLY weird.)
Anyway... continuing on with the story.

I have always been very in-tune with lyrical content of a song.
I like music that I can relate to. Music that can make me laugh, make me cry, just make me 'feel' something when I listen to it.

Interestiing story:
One of my closest friends cracks me up when it comes to this.
She can hear a song, over and over and ask me if I've heard it. She can tell me she loves it, and when I go into any detail about it, she will say: 'oh, that's what it's about? Yeah, I never listened to the words really.'
Wait. What?
Am I the only one that finds this totally strange?

To me, that's what a song is: a story.
That's why I enjoy them so much.

As most of you know, Kaylee has been dealing with being bullied at school.
(New Post: Coming Soon.)

The other day I heard a song for the first time that made me think of the issues that she has been dealing with.
I looked it up online to find that it is a highly controversial song - too real for some people to handle, I guess.

To me? It's a breath of fresh air.
It's real, it's raw, and it's what most young girls are dealing with everyday of their lives - the fact that they don't feel good enough.
I find it empowering, and give kudos to the artist for being bold enough to record it.

It is one of my new favorites, and one that I hope will help someone out there somewhere.
To me? It's a job well-done.

I have linked it to my blog for your viewing:

Please note: this video is the EDITED version but still contains adult material and somewhat graphic scenes.

Thursday, January 20, 2011

Growing up just SUCKS sometimes.

For the past couple of months Kaylee has been having to deal with one thing at school that any mother dreads for her daughter: Mean girls.
All you ladies probably know exactly what I am referring to.
It's the group of kids with the bossiest, and snottiest one as the 'ring leader' and of course 'the posse' which is always in tow.
The girls who like to act as though they are 'it' and their mission is to make every other girl around them miserable.

Let me take a minute to describe my daughter (for those of you who don't have the pleasure to know her as well as I do.)
Kaylee is the kid who loves everyone, and when I say everyone.... I mean everyone.
She's the type of kid who want's to be friends with every single person in her school.
She doesn't understand why girls like drama, and she always asks me: 'why can't everybody just get along mom?'
She's the outgoing girl, always trying to make sure that everybody around her is comfortable, and feels included.
She's the girl that I wish I would have been at her age.

Kaylee is part of the 'popular' crowd. Kinda sad actually that in the 4th grade there are already these categories. But, unfortunately this is the world we live in.
Kaylee hangs out with the popular girls, but also wants to hang out with all the other kids in her grade.
However, this is the first year, that this has become a problem: Her 'friends' don't approve.

Kaylee has been sticking up for the girls being picked on, and you know what that means.
These so-called friends of hers have turned on her.
This has been an 'on and off' thing for the last 8 weeks, and yesterday was the final straw for Lee and I.

After Kaylee came home from school in tears once again, and after her receiving mean texts all evening, Lee and I decided it was time for her to cut ties with this girl.

We sat her down and had a heartfelt talk with her. All about respect, and verbal abuse and how she should have higher standards for herself when it came to choosing her friends.
How she shouldn't settle for being treated this way, and the fact that she is a better person and above all of this.

She agreed with us 100% but of course - it was hard on her.
After a lot of hugs, more tears, and talking, she told us she was just tired of feeling this way.

She sent this girl a final text message saying she was no longer choosing to be her friend.
I wrote their teacher (who has been supportive, involved, and in touch with me about these issues for a long time) about our newest 'plan' to stop the bullying.

Kaylee was told to ignore this girl today.
No being mean, no being disrespectful, no nothing. Just to ignore her.
(Please don't be mistaken though. I know that this is wayyyyy easier said than done.)
I did my best to prepare her for what is to come, and I hope that she can carry it out today.
She's stronger and way tougher than she gives herself credit for.

As a mother, I only want what is best for my only girl.
It's heart-breaking to have to go through this with her.
She's bright,  funny, spunky, and just beautiful - inside and out. Anyone who can't appreciate that, doesn't deserve to call her friend.

I don't want Kaylee to ever lose who she is, and I think that even though this will be a tough thing for her to do, I think that it will make her a stronger person, and in the long run, hopefully she will feel better about herself.

This morning she woke up feeling nervous, and doughting herself a little, which I totally expected.
(I was 9 years old once too - ya know?)
I tried to explain to her that she was going to feel those emotions, but that she was doing the right thing.
There comes a point in your life when you have to stand up for yourself, and not let people take advantage of you anymore.
I am hoping that if we instill these things in her now when she is young, that she won't have to worry about it as much when she is older.

I kept saying: 'you are better than this. Stick with the girls who treat you right Kay.'
Over and over, and over.

Ironically, when we got in the car this morning her favorite song right now, 'Firework' by Katy Perry came on the radio.
It's a song about feeling defeated, and ran down, and how life's situations can really take it's toll on you.
It talks about staying strong, reminding yourself that you are a beautiful person and fighting your hardest to show people that. (In my oppinion, a very impowering song for girls out there.)
She smiled and said: 'Wow, mom. Weird right?'

We cranked it up, sang it as loud as we could, and when I dropped her off - she was smiling.

I pulled out of her school in tears, with my emotions running wild.
I am so scared for her and extremely proud of her at the same time.
I'm also a total wreck today, wondering if she's okay and hoping that she is.

Whoever thought that being a Mom could be this hard?
It amazes me at how much these situations affect me.

You think that you can protect them, and keep them safe from the outside world, and it's just not true.
I know that this is just a little 'speed bump' in her long life that is ahead of her but it's the first one for her and honestly - a hard one for this Mom to handle.

Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Hanging my head in shame.

It is known that I have a husband who likes to 'game.'
I am thankful that his days of being obsessed with it have passed, because God knows  that I probably would have killed him if he he hadn't grown out of that stage. However, it is still one of his favorite hobbies, and I respect that.

He still plays it when he can, he always has it turned up way too loud, and he still screams at the screen when he's frusterated. Like it's going to help or something.

I have always enjoyed flicking him crap about it.
Of course. What are wives for, right?
Telling him things like: 'you take that wayyyy to seriously,' or 'um, calm down. It's just a game.'
Half the time I just sit there shaking my head while he's throwing a fit shouting things like: 'WHAT!!? I shot that GUY!!... WHATEVER!! I FRICKEN' SHOT that guy!!'
Um... Yeah. I totally don't get it, and it drives me crazy.

I have always had the same oppinion about video games. Always.
Never understanding how people can get so 'caught up' in them.
That is until 2 weeks ago...
That's when I discovered Super Mario Bros. on Layton's DSi.

Seriously. Something is WRONG with me.
I am obsessed. Yes people OBSESSED with that stupid game.
It's like a blast from the past, taking me right back to when I was a kid when my older brother and I would fight over who got to be Mario.

I find myself playing it 10 times a day, (okay, probably more) freaking out when I die, and screaming when I can't defeat the spiked-turtle-monster.
The other day? I even googled 'cheat sheets' and tips on how to get to certain levels.
[See? I told you this was a problem.]

Half the time Kaylee and Layton are asking: 'Mom? Can we please play it now??' While Lee just laughs at me, and  says: 'um, calm down babe. It's just a game.'
Yeah, I am highly doughting that he will let this one go anytime soon.

Serves me right I guess - for all the years that I have talked smack, and nagged on him.
He is going to take full advantage of this one, and honestly? I can't really say I blame him.

You know what they say about payback...

Saturday, January 15, 2011

Easily amused.

What do you get when you have our crazy dog, a camera, and a flashlight?
Pure entertainment.

With that, also comes hysterical laughing from the kids and one exhausted boxer after about 10 minutes.
[Yeah, we're kinda cruel - I know.]

Thursday, January 13, 2011


I already knew this - however, it was (once again) proven to me throughout the day: I am blessed with the COOLEST friends and family EVER.

I woke up to the cutest "BLING" OSU hoodie that I have 'had my eye on' from the hubby and kids, and got MANY 'happy birthday' hugs from them.

I went to lunch with my mom at Red Lobster (and yes - screwed up with the diet. BIG. TIME.)
Tomorrow though? I'm back to it.

I enjoyed every single comment that I received on Facebook, and got adorable earrings from the bestie along with a gift card for clothes. [YAY!]

I Went to dinner with some of my favorite girls and got lots of cute cards as well as a GROUPON gift-card from Tirz. [SUPER excited to spend that BTW.] Unfortunately... I didn't get out of there without being sang to. [I was thinking: KILL. ME. the entire 20 seconds it took for them to clap it out] But, I did survive. And honestly? It wasn't that bad. I also got a free drink, and a free dinner thanks to my lovely friends Becca & Tirzah. (Seriously - love you guys.)

I got home and was presented with a 'homemade' plate of fruit from all of the kids - complete with a candle stuck in a banana. (Yep. adorable, and totally the highlight of my entire day.) They sang the birthday song to me and were super proud of their masterpiece.

[I will take a minute to admit however, that I chose not to eat it. After they were tucked in tight, I tossed it in the trash. Yes - I felt a little guilty... but, I just couldn't get over the thought of all those dirty little hands touching my fruit.] Ha! I'm horrible. I know.

So, to sum it up - my birthday was truly a great day.
Thanks to all of these awesome people in my life.

Kind of crazy to think though that this will be the last year in my 20's.
Wait. Crazy? I meant depressing.

Monday, January 10, 2011

Last-minute Mom.

Every Monday, Layton gets math homework sent home that is due the following Monday.
It is always a worksheet with a game of some sort that he needs a partner to play it with.
We have 7 days to complete it, and can you guess when we always do it?
Sunday night, 10 minutes before bedtime, while I am in a 'oh-crap-we-forgot-to-do-your-homework' panic.

Last night was no different.
I realized it when he was brushing his teeth.
While we were playing it (in his sweet little voice) he says to me: 'Mommy, why do you always wait until now to do my homework? You have all week.'

I laughed and thought: Yep, I could learn a thing or two from this boy.

Thursday, January 6, 2011

The Traitor.

It's no secret.
The 'colors' in this house are ORANGE & BLACK.
[Well, the majority anyway.]

After a year of trying to persuade her I have learned something: It just isn't happening.
This girl has an oppinion and a mind all of her own.

She came out of her room this morning dresssed in her Ducks Jersey.
I [of course] couldn't help myself and had to give her a bad time.

Me: 'NICE shirt Kay... NOT.
Her: 'Ha!! I know... right? I'm totally rocking it.
Me: 'I was kidding.'
Her: 'Yeah - but I wasn't... Feels gooooooood to be 12-0!'

[Yes. This is my daughter.]
And honestly? I cracked up laughing as she giggled and gave me her ornery little smile.

Amazingly, I just love her quirky little personality AND her stubborn ways.

And, even though she doesn't root for my football team? I do have to admit - she does look pretty stinkin' cute wearing the colors of hers.

Wednesday, January 5, 2011

Gettin' cold feet.

That's me, and it's all the time.
It can be 80 degrees outside, and my feet are almost always freezing.
During the Winter? It's worse. Horrible.
Sometimes they are so cold - it actually hurts.
It sucks.

So, today?
I went a tad bit crazy in the sock aisle at Target.
I got home and was putting stuff away and Lee goes: 'Wow. You bought socks. Lots of socks.'
I got striped ones, polka-dot ones, argyle ones, bright ones, checkered ones, multi colored ones, fuzzy ones, short ones, long ones... Yep - I got a little carried away.
[Oh man, me and my obsession for cute socks.]

I am currently wearing the funky purple ones (which just so happen to match my super-cool hair) and my feet are thanking me.

I'm one happy [and WARM] girl this evening.

[Please Note: These were CLEARANCE socks people - there is no way that my cheap-ass would have EVER paid full price for them. DUH.]

Monday, January 3, 2011

The not-so-awesome part of my day.

[My amazing feeling of accomplishment for working out 2 days in a row was short-lived this afternoon.]

We got home from our walk and this 'not so brilliant' dog of ours thought he'd bolt out the front door, and run as fast as he possibly could halfway down the street. (And, no - he didn't have his shock collar on because he went on the walk with us, and I hadn't had a chance to get it back on him.)

Then? He was caught by his 'not so happy' owner ( THANK. GOD.) and then he was drug home by his neck.

While Lee was in the middle of literally scaring the living daylights out of him, I was sitting on the couch seriously just wanting to cry.

I kept thinking how easily he could have been hit by a car.
Thinking to myself that there would be no way that I could have sat the kids down and explained to them that Bentlee was hurt or even worse - dead.

My emotions went from fear and panic to anger and relief in the matter of seconds.
I was happy he was ok, but so pissed at him at the same time.

It made me stop and think for a minute.
Really? A dog? A DOG can actually make me feel like this?

It's crazy.  How attached we really get to our 'four-legged' kids.
He drives me crazy. DAILY.
But, I can't imagine not having him around.
Really. I can't.

(And,  to end this post on a lighter note - I just have to say this:
While he was getting punished by Lee? I'm pretty sure that Bentlee was WISHING that he had just gotten hit by a car instead.)

Saturday, January 1, 2011

It's a NEW year.

We spent the evening at home, in our pajamas, and in front of the T.V.
It was laid-back, simple, and perfect.

We're ready for you.