My main goal this year is:
to be healthier, and get in shape.
Yeah, yeah, I've said this a million times before.
I know.
However, this time?
It's different.
Last year was rough.
I was focused
(Ok, maybe obsessed is the right word)
on things that I couldn't control.
I got lost in the idea of things happening,
and then heart-broken when they didn't.
This year is a new year,
and amazingly I am so ready for it.
I have taken a step back to look at
what I am truely blessed with, and
it has opened my eyes in many ways.
God is providing for us.
I have kids that brighten my world,
and make me want to be a better person.
Lee has work, and we have food on our table.
We have a brand new addition to our family
that I am so in love with,
and our most recent blessing is
that Lee has quit smoking.
I have been waiting for this day for a long time.
I am so thankful, and proud of him.
He is focussing on being a healthier person as well,
which is major motivation for me.
I want to support him in any way that I can.
I know that if I am there backing him up,
the easier it will be for him to succeed.
We plan on joining The Y this week,
and we are really excited.
It has everything we need (and more)
to achieve our goals.
They offer great programs for the kids,
which will make it fun for them too.
I'm looking forward to what's in store.
Now, normally when I start a "workout program."
I set a weight loss goal.
This time, I said: 20 Lbs.
Well, Scratch that.
The more I think about it, the more I realize.
It doesn't matter what the scale says.
The goal is: to be healthy, and fit.
I stood in the mirror for 20 minutes
last night staring at myself,
and came to this conclusion:
I like what I see.
Yeah sure,
there are areas I want to work on.
(Hence, the working out part.)
But, I like my shape. It's me.
I plan on toning and tightening...
And, hey...
If I end up losing 20 lbs.
But, If not.
Great. :]
As long as I can run, without getting winded,
and feel comfortable and confident
in my clothes.
Then I have achieved my goal.
I want to feel better.
Physically & emotionally.
This is the beginning.
Plus, I have a new tattoo in mind.
(Oh, Karen... you should have known this was coming.)
My "reward" will be new INK...
Along with a new bikini of course. :]