Saturday, January 30, 2010

Fun day.

Spent yesterday taking pictures.
Sydney is turning ONE.
Pretty hard to believe.
It seems like just yesterday,
when we were welcoming her into this world.

Now, she's having a birthday.

Wednesday, January 27, 2010


This dog has a crazy fetish with crayons.
We just can't seem to keep him out of Kaylee's Crayola bin.


Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Never thought I'd see this.

Let's just say:
Our cat Patches, hasn't been too thrilled about Bentlee
since he became a member of the family.
She's attacked him twice, and usually keeps her distance.
So, the other day, I couldn't believe my eyes
 when I caught them sitting so close together.
I just had to grab my camera and take this shot.
(Mostly for proof.)
Don't let the picture fool you though.
She STILL can't stand him.
That look on her face, makes it very CLEAR.

A New year. Another Birthday.

Lee celebrated a birthday on Sunday.
He wasn't too thrilled about it this year,
but he really enjoyed the time we spent with his family.
He saw a movie with his Dad,
played 2 or more hours of racquetball,
then had chili and cornbread at his parents' house.
(Thanks Karen & Lester for all the effort you put into it.)
I'm actually surprised we still have no-bake cookied in our fridge.
I think Lee is having a little issue this year with the "getting old" thing.

I just hope he knows
 how much I am
looking forward to spending
 ALL of his next 34 years...
 right beside him.
(I can't imagine all the things that we have to look forward to.)

Saturday, January 23, 2010

Oh, sunny day!

We had GREAT weather today!
Layton's "best-buddy" Ben was with us for most of it,
so we decided to take them to the park
and let them play.

It was a good Idea.

They let out A LOT of energy,
and had a blast.

I have a feeling...

That they will all sleep WELL tonight.

They always make me smile.

Lee and I have been enjoying racquetball so much
that we thought the kids might like it as well.
They've been bugging us for about a week to take them,
So, last night we did.
Lee worked with Layton.
I worked with Kaylee.
Then, we switched kids.
They couldn't get enough of it.
Of course, they don't get the whole concept of the game,
but they had a blast just bouncing the ball off the walls.
I loved watching them running around, playing, and giggling their butts off.
Knowing that God was kind enough to bless me
with these two wonderful little beings.
Yeah, it's a pretty AMAZING feeling.

Wednesday, January 20, 2010

I think he's catching on... FINALLY!

Well, we have almost had Mr. Bentlee home for a month,
I think I have cleaned up enough crap, and pee to last me a lifetime.
He isn't a huge fan of "Oregon" weather.
(I can't say I blame him.)
We'd have him out for 5-10 minutes and he'd just sit there,
only to come inside and find a corner to go in.
(Yeah, I've learned to have ALOT more patience.)
Anyhoo, the last few days have been WAY better.
2 days ago he started whining,
Everytime he whined, we'd rush him out,
and he'd GO!!
Last night I worked, and when I got home
Lee said he even scratched at the door.
So, I think that he's starting to understand.
Which is great news to everyone in this house.
Oh, and in other "dog news."
He has also learned his first "trick."
(Well, kind of.)
The boy can "sit."
He only gets a treat if he does,
and I'm almost SHOCKED that he caught on so quickly.
Might I add:
It's the cutest thing EVER.

Sunday, January 17, 2010

Great friends. Good times.

We had the Crawford family over last night.
Nate, Sarah, and Cash.
It was simple.
Just games, and beer for the boys,
but it was fun.
Life's been busy for them,
and it had been awhile since we have all had the chance to get together.
I can't believe how kick-back that kid is.
He had us all CRACKING up when he got ahold of Lee's 6-pack.
It kept him entertained for over an hour.

I don't think I have ever known a kid who has THAT much personality.
He's too stinkin' cute.
That's for sure.

Saturday, January 16, 2010


My Mom kept the kids last night so Lee could have a night with the boys.
After work, I Went out with Becca & Tirzah to "celebrate" my birthday.
All I can say is: Time with them is never boring.
At one point in the evening, I laughed so hard I almost peed myself.
And, I'm so NOT kidding.
I'm pretty blessed to have friends like them.
Today is "date-day" with Lee.
Looking forward to it.
We have had a slow start this AM, but we'll get out of here.
Oh, yeah, and Bentlee almost died about 5 minutes ago,
when I caught him with my new heels in his mouth!

Thursday, January 14, 2010


Yesterday was my BIRTHDAY.
I was woke up by an early text message from my brother,
then another one from my cousin,
then another one from Steph.
Around 8:15AM
she was on my door step with a gift in hand.
 (The new RED dishes that I've had my heart set on.)
Even though I was barely awake, and not ready for company,
it was a great surprise.
We met Lee's parents, Cindy & Steph at Applebee's for lunch,
and I somehow managed to get out of there
WITHOUT being sang to.
It was awesome.
I dragged Lee from store to store on a mission:
to find new workout clothes.
It was a SUCCESS.
(I HEART my new Nike jacket.)
I came home to find a gazillion comments
from my friends on Facebook,
wishing me a happy birthday,
 and continued to get flooded with text messages.
That made me smile.
Unfortunately, I had to work at 5, but it turned out to be a pretty good night at work.
Becca & Tirzah showed up to surprise me.
(Um... Yeah, embarrassing.)
They entered the front doors singing at the TOP of their lungs,
and they even brought me my favorite cookies,
and cards with "surprises" inside.
(A handful of lottery tickets, and a gift card to Playto's.)
If that wasn't enough, as soon as they realized how much
work I had to do on a certain Aisle
They jumped in, and did it with me.
(Yes, I WOULD have been FIRED if my
district manager would have stopped by.)
 Luckily, that didn't happen.
[: I LOVE those girls. :]
So all in all,
it was a great day.
Thanks, to all of the special people I have in my life.

Tuesday, January 12, 2010


Well, today marks the end of Week ONE,
of my "healthier" living plan.
I must admit, I've done way better than I thought I would do,
 adjusting to the changes.
Working-out has become an almost everyday activity,
and I really enjoy it.
(Ok...For the most part.)
Sticking with it will be my biggest challenge.
(I usually last for about 2 weeks.)
I have a feeling that this time: That won't be the case.
I weighed in 4 lbs lighter this AM as well, and I have to say:
Although I'm not totally obsessed about the
weight so much this time around,
It IS pretty good motivation to keep me going.

Friday, January 8, 2010

Good thing we go over his homework, BEFORE he turns it in.

We recently had the
"difference between boys & girls"
 talk with Layton.
Nothing too detailed.
Just the basic "different parts" conversation.
He asked.
We told.
No big deal.
This morning I was helping him with his homework assignment.
He had to choose 2 words that started with "B" and draw a picture to go with them.
He was finishing coloring it in, when I got up to grab a paper clip.
When I heard him say:
"There Mommy, now my teacher will know he's a boy."
I turn back to see him proudly displaying his assignment,
with his adorable, and innocent smile on his face.

After I picked my chin up off the floor,
I walked into another room so he couldn't
see me laughing so hard that I cried.
For once in my life.
I was speechless.
Long story, short.
We sat down with him and discussed what was
appropriate and inappropriate behavior.
The poor kid was heart-broken.
He really didn't know any better.
He does now.
After this experience,
I've come to this conclusion.
I figure, it's better to just laugh it off, and look at it this way:
At least we have one HILARIOUS story to tell his kids someday.

Thursday, January 7, 2010

What's been shakin'.

Haven't blogged in a few days.
It seemed as though I was on a roll there for awhile.
Then all of a sudden. Nothing.
So, let's see...
The run-down on life in the Frakes' house the last few days:
Kids were back in school on Monday.
Which means Kaylee is back to after-school math tutoring.
(Which kind of sucks for me, since I have to pick kids up at different times everyday.)
Oh, well.
Lee recently started a new "job-on-the-side."
Which will obviously help us finacially. That will be nice.
Went grocery shopping.
Spent a day out with the hubby.
Started my "healthy-er eating habits" plan.
Gave Layton a hair-cut yesterday.
Joined the Y.
Fell in love with racquetball.
We spent 2 HOURS last night playing it with Bailey & Michele.
It was a blast.
Whoever thought that working-out could be fun?
Made a DELISH grilled chicken salad last night for dinner.
(Might I add, I made a low-fat ranch, that totally ROCKS.)
I amaze myself. :]
Oh, and in puppy news:
Bentlee ate his first flip-flop.
MY flip-flop!

Monday, January 4, 2010

A new GOAL for the NEW Year.

My main goal this year is:
to be healthier, and get in shape.
Yeah, yeah, I've said this a million times before.
I know.
However,  this time?
It's different.
Last year was rough.
I was focused
(Ok, maybe obsessed is the right word)
on things that I couldn't control.
I got lost in the idea of things happening,
and then heart-broken when they didn't.
This year is a new year,
 and amazingly I am so ready for it.
I have taken a step back to look at
what I am truely blessed with, and
it has opened my eyes in many ways.
God is providing for us.
I have kids that brighten my world,
 and make me want to be a better person.
Lee has work, and we have food on our table.
We have a brand new addition to our family
that I am so in love with,
and our most recent blessing is
 that Lee has quit smoking.
I have been waiting for this day for a long time.
I am so thankful, and proud of him.
He is focussing on being a healthier person as well,
which is  major motivation for me.
I want to support him in any way that I can.
I know that if I am there backing him up,
the easier it will be for him to succeed.
We plan on joining The Y this week,
and we are really excited.
It has everything we need (and more)
to achieve our goals.
They offer great programs for the kids,
which will make it fun for them too.
I'm looking forward to what's in store.
Now, normally when I start a "workout program."
I set a weight loss goal.
This time, I said: 20 Lbs.
Well, Scratch that.
The more I think about it, the more I realize.
It doesn't matter what the scale says.
The goal is: to be healthy, and fit.
I stood in the mirror for 20 minutes
 last night staring at myself,
and came to this conclusion:
I like what I see.
Yeah sure,
there are areas I want to work on.
(Hence, the working out part.)
But, I like my shape. It's me.
I plan on toning and tightening...
And, hey...
 If I end up losing 20 lbs.
But, If not.
Great. :]
As long as I can run, without getting winded,
and feel comfortable and confident
in my clothes.
Then I have achieved my goal.
I want to feel better.
Physically & emotionally.
This is the beginning.
Plus, I have a new tattoo in mind.
(Oh, Karen... you should have known this was coming.)
My "reward" will be new INK...
Along with a new bikini of course. :]

Saturday, January 2, 2010

I love this boy.

Look at that face.
I just can't help myself.

Sometimes I wonder.

Layton is worse than a girl
when it comes to "dress up."
He loves to dress up like super heros and role play.
Last night, Lee and I couldn't stop laughing
 when he came out of his room
dressed in his Batman Under-roos and tube socks.
When we asked him, what was up with his outfit,
all he said was:
 "WHAT? I look awesome."
Um... Ok.

Friday, January 1, 2010


Enough Said.

What a tease.

So, with 2 GREAT nights with Bentlee in a row.
I figured we had it made.
4:30AM was his "bed-time" this morning.
He's lucky to be alive.

Welcome 2010.

Well, It's here.
The NEW year.
I can't help but WONDER what's in store.
There are certain things I am "hoping" for such as:
Lee going back to work, Me losing 20 lbs, oh, and right now
The #1 thing? Getting this dog HOUSE trained!
But, I guess we'll just have to see how it goes, and what God has in mind.
Anyhoo, Had a GREAT night with family, and friends.
It's off to bed I go.
Happy NEW YEAR everyone.